S&P publishes new rating methodology for non-U.S. public sector funding agencies: Kommuninvest’s rating under criteria observation

25 May 2018

S&P Global Ratings (S&P) has, on 22 May 2018, announced a new methodology for rating non-U.S. public-sector funding agencies, specialized not-for-profit institutions established to secure and provide cost-efficient funding to public sector entities in their domicile country or region.

As a result of the new methodology, S&P has placed ratings of ten public-sector funding agencies, including Kommuninvest i Sverige AB, under criteria observation (”UCO”). S&P expects to review the ratings identified as UCO within six months.

With the new methodology, S&P aims to better incorporate the characteristics of public sector funding agencies’ not-for-profit, or at least not profit-maximizing, mission and assess their stand-alone credit profile and the likelihood and impact of extraordinary support provided by potential supporting governments or public sector entities.

For further information on S&P’s rating methodology please visit www.spglobal.com.

Kommuninvest is rated Aaa from Moody’s (since 2002) and AAA from S&P (since 2006).

Contact persons for enquiries

Maria Viimne, Chief Operating Officer (COO), tel. +46 10 470 87 11

Christian Ragnartz, Head of Debt Management, tel. + 46 706 07 38 34

Head of Media Relations Björn Bergstrand, tel. +46 708 86 94 76
or bjorn.bergstrand@kommuninvest.se


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