BGK to help build new development institution in Moldova

30 May 2022

Representatives of BGK, Polish Development Bank and the Organization for Small and Medium Enterprises Sector Development from Republic of Moldova (ODIMM) signed on Monday a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). It concerns the substantive support of BGK in the construction of a new development institution in Moldova, which is to be built on the foundations of ODIMM.

The signing of the MoU was accompanied by a full-day workshop for a delegation of several people from Moldova. The meeting took place at BGK's headquarters and was conducted by the bank's experts specialising in such areas as audit, European funds, law, business models, ESG or guarantees, among others.

“The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding is another step strengthening ties with our friends from Moldova who want to build their own development institution. We are sharing our experience and showing how certain areas work in BGK. This is also another element of our support for Eastern Partnership countries, which in the current geopolitical situation particularly need strong and resilient institutions stimulating economies and supporting local entrepreneurs" - said Paweł Nierada, First Vice President of the Management Board in BGK, Polish Development Bank.

Paweł Nierada, first vicepresident of BGK's Management Board and Dumitru Pintea Director of Organisation for Small and Medium Enterprises Sector Development

The declaration of cooperation between BGK and ODIMM follows meetings held between the Polish and Moldovan sides in recent months. In April, BGK representatives, headed by Beata Daszyńska-Muzyczka, President of the Management Board, and Paweł Nierada, First Vice President of the Management Board, met in Warsaw with the Prime Minister of Moldova, Natalia Gavrilita. The talks concerned, among other things, BGK's experience in setting up national development institutions and the possibilities of obtaining financial instruments from the European Union budget.

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