Ms. Lidwin Van Velden elected new EAPB President

30 June 2022

The European Association of Public Banks (EAPB) held its General Assembly and its Administrative Board elections on June 30 in Milan. Ms. Lidwin Van Velden, CEO of NWB Bank (the Netherlands), has been elected as the new EAPB President. She succeeds Mr. Philippe Mills, CEO of SFIL (France) who passes the torch after 3 consecutive 2 year terms at the helm of the organization.

EAPB warmly thanked Mr. Philippe Mills for his inspiring leadership and undivided commitment as President of the organization. EAPB also thanked departing EAPB Board Members Dr. Katrin Leonhardt CEO at SAB (Germany), Ms. Gita Salden, Chairman of the Executive Board at BNG Bank (the Netherlands), Dr. Sibil Svilan, formerly CEO at SID (Slovenia) and Ms. Tamara Perko, President of the Management Board, HBOR (Croatia) for their continuous support and strong dedication.

Ms. Gabriela Pantring, Member of the Management Board of NRW.BANK (Germany) and Ms. Mari Tyster, Executive Vice President at MuniFin (Finland) were reappointed EAPB Vice Presidents. Ms. Angeliki Krisilion, Member of the Boad at IBB, (Germany), Mr. Hrvoje Čuvalo, Member of the Management Board at HBOR, (Croatia) and Mr. Paweł Nierada, First Vice President of the Management Board of BGK, (Poland) were elected new Board Members of the EAPB. Ms. Iris Bethge-Krauß, Executive Managing Director at VÖB (Germany) and Mr. Michele Vietti, Chairman of Finlombarda (Italy) were reelected to the EAPB Board. Mr. Philippe Mills will remain on the EAPB Board.

Addressing the General Assembly after her election as EAPB President,
Ms. Lidwin Van Velden commented:

As banks of and for the public sector, we feel it is our responsibility to use our knowledge, experience and, above all, financing to make significant headway towards increasing sustainability in our European countries. Climate adaptation, climate mitigation and improving biodiversity are among the core tasks of our clients and other stakeholders. They are leading the way in the energy transition, which is also crucial in the context of the current war in Ukraine and the dependence in which many Europeans are from Russian energy supply. I am looking forward to working with the EAPB members and organisation in bringing our mission to a success.“

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