MuniFin awarded for its transactions in the Japanese Uridashi market

10 October 2018

mtn-i published the winners of its first ever Uridashi Awards, launched to celebrate the successful issuers and banks in the Japanese market. The Uridashi bonds are sold to Japanese retail investors.

 MuniFin won one of the most respected categories of the awards as it was selected the Issuer of the Year. Additionally, MuniFin receives the Deal of the Year Award in the category of equity index-linked deals.

– MuniFin has had a long-term presence in the Uridashi market. We have always adapted to new trends and been a flexible issuer thereby sustaining stable issuance volumes. The Uridashi market is a strategic part of MuniFin’s funding. MuniFin issues 20–30% of its annual funding in the Uridashi market, says Karoliina Kajova, Manager at MuniFin’s funding.

The mtn-i Uridashi Awards Ceremony will be held in Tokyo on October 23, 2018.

Read more about the mtn-i Uridashi Awards >

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