MFB / Announcement on the repayment of domestic public bonds

26 June 2024

In accordance with the stipulations under Section 55 and 56 of (Hungarian) Act CXX of 2001 on the Capital Market and Finance Minister’s Decree No. 24/2008 (VIII.15.) on the detailed rules of the disclosure obligations connected to publicly issued securities, MFB Hungarian Development Bank Private Limited Company (registered seat: H-1051 Budapest, Nádor u. 31; company registration number: 01-10-041712, hereinafter referred to as MFB Zrt.) hereby provides the public with the following extraordinary information:

As of today (26 June 2024) MFB Zrt. has fully paid the principal and the last interest amount of its following bonds:

  • MFB202406/1 Bond (ISIN: HU0000358700) and
  • MFBEU2406/1 Kötvény (ISIN: HU0000361779)

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